Main Window


installed indicates that a font is installed.
truetype indicates that a font is a TrueType font.
truetype collection indicates that a font is a TrueType font in a TrueType Collection.
adobe type1 indicates that a font is an Adobe Type1 font.


You can see installed fonts or fonts(not installed) in folders in nexusfont.
Fonts can be managed by folders and sets. And folders are managed by groups.

If you want to see fonts in a folder, add a group first and add folders contain fonts to a group.
Then select a group or a folder in a library pane. If you select a group, all fonts in folders of a group will be listed.

* When you see fonts in nexusfont, even though fonts are not installed, those fonts are available in all other programs.
If you close nexusfont, all fonts not installed are not available anymore in all other programs.

Add Group

In order to add a folder contains font files, you need to add a group first.
All folders are managed by groups

Click plus button on the left bottom of the window, and select 'Add Group' menu.
Type a group name and click OK, then a group will be added like below

Add Folder

In order to add a folder to a group, click right mouse button on the group and select 'Add Folder' menu.
Select a folder includes font files in a folder selection dialog.
A folder will be added in a group like below.

* If you want to show all fonts in subfolders, check 'View > Include Subfolders' menu.

* You can add many folders to a group at once by drag and drop from Windows Explorer.

Remove Folder

In order to remove a folder, click right mouse button on a folder to remove and select 'Remove Folder' menu.
* A folder is just removed from the library and an actual folder and files in a folder will not be deleted.

Add Set

You can create sets and manage fonts by those sets.
In order to add a set, click plus button on the left bottom of the window and select 'Add Set' menu.
Type a group name and click OK, then a group will be added like below
Select fonts on the list. Click right mouse button and select 'Add to Set' menu. Then choose a set to add fonts.
All selected fonts will be added in a set.

Add Fonts to Set

Select fonts on the list. Click right mouse button and select 'Add to Set' menu. Then choose a set to add fonts.
All selected fonts will be added to the set.

Remove Fonts from Set

Select fonts on the list. Click right mouse button and select 'Remove from Set' menu.
All selected fonts will be removed from the set.
* Actual font files are not deleted.

Delete Set

In order to delete a set, click right mouse button on a set and select 'Delete Set' menu.
* Actual font files are not deleted.

Install Fonts

Select fonts to install. Click right mouse button and select "Install" menu.
There are three options to choose. Choose an option and click "Install" button.

* If you don't have privileges to write in a system folder or system registry, fonts cannot be installed.
* Don't install too many fonts in a system. It may cause system slow down or memory problem.
* You can see install/uninstall log by selecting "Help > Install/Uninstall Log" menu.
* .pfm and .pfb files should be in a same folder and have same name for Adobe Type1 fonts.

Uninstall Fonts

"Installed" should be selected in a library pane to uinstall fonts.
Selecte fonts to uninstall. Click right mouse button and select "Uninstall" menu.
There are three options to choose. Choose an option and click "Uninstall" button.

* Some windows default fonts cannot be uninstalled. (See protected.lst file in a nexusfont installation folder)
* You can see install/uninstall log by selecting "Help > Install/Uninstall Log" menu.
* You can open a backup folder by selected "Tools > Open Backup Folder" menu.


You can put tags on a font. Then fonts can be searched by those tags.
Select fonts to put tags on it. Click right mouse button and select 'Edit Tags' menu.
Type tags separated by comma(,). (Leave blank to delete tags.)
Tags will be applied to all selected fonts.
You can see tags on the right top area of each list items.
Then you can filter font list by tags.


Select 'Font > Charmap' menu will show a charmap dialog like below.
You can see all characters supported by a font.
Click 'Export As Image' button to save charmap as an image file.

Find Duplicates

In order to find duplicate fonts, add folders to search first by clicking 'Add Folder' button.
Then click 'Find' button.
nexusfont will find duplicate fonts by comparing file size, font name and version.
Select fonts to delete and click 'Delete Selected Files' button to delete those selected font files.


Ctrl + Mouse Wheel: Increase/Decrease Font Size

Alt + Down Arrow/Up Arrow: Navigate throug selected fonts

Minimize to Tray: Select "Tools > Hide When Minimized" menu

Install/Uninstall Log: Any problem occurred on the system because of fonts.
Check install/uninstall fonts log by selecting "Help > Install/Uninstall Log" menu. You can see which fonts have been installed or uninstalled and when. (Installation/Uninstallation not in nexusfont is not logged)

Change UI Language: Select "View > UI Language" menu.
If you want to make your language file, go to here.

Portable: Install nexusfont(zip version) and put font files in a same USB drive. Add those font folders to a nexusfont library.
All library and settings will be maintained even though you put an USB drive in a different computer(it means that a drive letter is changed).